Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year New Goals

Okay, so I decided to Blog about the books I am reading this year. Not as if anyone cares, but I do have a few friends that ask my opinion on books or they just want to know what I am reading. Maybe they are just asking to be nice that is probably more truth to it then anything but oh who the heck knows, and actually this is all about me. But I still decided it was a way to track my thoughts and feelings about what I am reading more in depth here then I can on . Which by the way is one of my favorite resources on picking out a good book. I also feel like Goodreads is a great place for others to see what I am reading and how I rate a book. It helps eliminate the "ugg" is the going to be a good book fear.  Because face it  books are so stinking expensive, and take a lot of time to read, so why, oh why would you want to read a bad one if it can be avoided? AND, If you have enough friends a lot of times your friends have read the book you are considering reading. Do I support friends joining Goodreads, yes. Do I recieve any kind of recoginition and or no. But if you have not joined please do so if you read, and then look me up I am always happy to have new book buddies!

Ok so back to why I am now posting. I am currently reading 3 books, Book One: Beautiful Demons by Sarra Cannon. Books Two: Kiss of Shadows by Laurell K Hamilton. And Book Three: Starfire Angels by Melanie Nilles. I won't post thoughts on these books until I am done reading. Although I will warn you Laurell K Hamilton is not a Young Adult book, It is JUST for ADULTS. Both Beautiful Demons and Starfire Angels are Young Adult Books!

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