Teagan and her best friend Claire have a friendship like many teens. They are close and really only have each other. But Teagan is ruthlessly teased by the class bully Brynn. Brynn even will email Teagan just to torment her. But Teagan just keeps telling herself wait until Brynn gets a taste of her own medicine. But when Teagan decides to skip gym and not go to the nurses office, she heads to the outdoor courtyard. She sits down to clear her head when she is asked if she is ok. Teagan is suprised she hadn't heard a sound but she looks up to see an unfamiliar face. A tall guy with curly sandy hair, chisled features. No one that goes to her school, could he possibly be new? He introduces himself as Garreth. He opens his schedule and asks Teagan where Mythology is, just her luck, it's her next class. Teagan and Garreth walk to class together discussing that he is a transfer from Saint Andrew's . Teagan is surprised that she didn't recognize him from football games in the past, especially since they do not live in a very big town. Garreth sits by Teagan in class, avoiding the elites. Claire at lunch teases Teagan that she's acting funny and needs to get a boyfriend like she has, someone like Ryan her boyfriend. At the end of the school day Claire invites Teagan to ride home with her and Ryan in her car but Teagan declines, three's a crowd. As she heads to the bus Teagan suddenly feels like she can't breath, and then hears flapping like wings above her. She starts to loose her footing when she is caught and pulled to her feet, by none other then Garreth. Teagan is puzzled, did the fall really happen or was it just a dream? He asks if they can have lunch together the next day. Teagan accepts and leaves Garreth to ride the bus.Teagan takes time the next morning to get ready for school even attempting to put on make up. Claire teases Teagan as she climbs in her car the next morning, makeup, who is the lucky guy. She also ask Claire if she is crazy because she has been having strange dreams, wings, and she felt a draft. Claire explains Teagan reads way too many vampire books. Teagan is so excited to meet Garreth for lunch but doesn't see him all day, although his car in the the school parking lot. At the end of the day Garreth finds Teagan and explains that the guidance counselor kept him most of the day and he was extremely sorry for missing their lunch date. He asks if he can make it up to her by spending the afternoon together. Although leery Teagan agrees, and off they go. They end up in at a small playground and swing on the swings. Teagan explains that it is just her and her mom. He asks Teagan if she believes that everything happens for a reason. That there is heaven. And does she believe in Angels....
What does Teagan learn, can she save the day, and what did Garreth give up for love?
This is an interesting story, with it's own unique twists and turns. I didn't fall in love with the characters or the story and I love angels. I would recommend this as a beginner angel book, but once you've read a few you might be bored.
Appropriate for 13 and up. Young Adult Novel.
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